Soul Level Intuitive Coaching® Session
You are strong and beautiful, even on those days you don’t believe it.
You have the power to overcome the patterns and cycles that keep you from living your life confident in your truth and beauty.
In a Soul Level Coaching® session, Meredith connects to your Guides to provide intuitive information about the negative or limiting beliefs that have kept you from reaching your highest potential as your true, authentic self. With the Guides, Meredith leads you to the questions and holds compassionate space as you learn to trust your answers.
Meredith’s comfortable demeanor and a touch of humor make her easy to talk to as you dig deep to find your truth
Soul Level Intuitive Coaching® Package
As you delve into your limiting beliefs and negative patterns in your life, you will almost certainly find layers underneath. Continuing to peel back those layers allows you to reveal the often forgotten bits of who you truly are. This is deep exploration, and powerful work.
Powerful work takes time.
A Soul Level Coaching® package consists of six sessions, each several weeks apart, allowing you to take your time to truly embrace each step of the process, and to work closely with your Guides for the greatest healing.